November 15, 2004

A Florida Dream Deferred Again in 2002

Voters in the September 2002 Florida Primary Election who had hoped to see an end to their votes’ not being counted, were disappointed. Problems experienced in Miami-Dade included Precinct 507 in Liberty city's Thena C. Crowder Elementary school where voting machines crashed until mid-afternoon, 500 voters waiting at Precinct 511, Jordan Grove Baptist Church in Liberty City, which was closed due to e-voting machine problems until after noon, United States Congresswoman Carrie Meek was turned away from casting an absentee ballot because of a computer malfunction, she was later allowed to vote after calling into the main office to verify her registration.

"Long delays leave some black voters angry and suspicious," Maimi Herald, September 11, 2002, Writer Andrea Robinson

Posted by administrator at November 15, 2004 11:59 AM