--------------------------------------------------------------- EPIC DIGEST AT PRIVACY.ORG EPIC-DIGEST is a weekly update of news, information, and action items posted on privacy.org. May 1-8, 2001 TOC------------------------------------------------------------ NEWS Legislation to Create CIO Introduced Spam Accounts for Over 10% of Mail Sent Armey Recommends Changes to HIPAA Privacy Regs Advocacy Groups Write to AG on Privacy No Photo Surveillance at 2002 Winter Olympics Performance Artists Raise Awareness of Surveillance Cameras Privacy Litigation Yields Mixed Results Opt-Out Marketing Spreads Privacy Policies Too Complex ACTION Support the Privacy Coalition's Privacy Pledge NEWS----------------------------------------------------------- Legislation to Create CIO Introduced Senators Lieberman (D-CT) and Burns (R-MT) introduced S. 803, the E-Government Act of 2001. The bill would create a white house appointed Chief Information Officer to ensure that data systems are secure, private, and accessible. S. 803, the E-Government Act of 2001, THOMAS Database. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d107:s.000803: Electronic Government Act of 2001, Senator Lieberman Press Release, Government Affairs Web Site, May 1, 2001.