Congress Passes Internet Filtering Requirements
Congress passed an appropriations package on Friday, Dec. 15, for Labor-Education, Treasury-Postal, and Legislative Branch spending. This package contained the Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and the Neighborhood Childrens Internet Protection Act (NCIPA).CIPA requires schools and libraries to implement filtering technology for computers as a condition of receiving education technology funds, library services funds, or universal service discounts. NCIPA requires schools and libraries with Internet access to hold public hearings in order to develop use policies for material inappropriate for minors.
Young Introduces Appropriations Wrap Up Bill, H.R. 4577, House Commerce Committee Press Release, December 15, 2000.
ACLU challenges ban on Net smut at libraries, CNN, December 19, 2000.
Activists Attack Porn Bill, Wired News, December 19, 2000.
ACLU Promises Legal Challenge as Congress Adopts Bill Imposing Internet Blocking in Libraries, ACLU Press Release, December 18, 2000.