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Anti-Terrorism Laws Used for Other Purposes

The Associated Press reports that the new authority given law enforcement by the Patriot Act is being used more against common crime than combatting actual terrorism. Federal prosecutors have brought more than 250 criminal charges under the law, with more than 130 convictions or guilty pleas. Stefan Cassella, deputy chief for legal policy for the Justice Department's asset forfeiture and money laundering section, said that while the Patriot Act's primary focus was on terrorism, lawmakers were aware it contained provisions that had been on prosecutors' wish lists for years and would be used in a wide variety of cases. However, civil liberties and legal defense groups are bothered by the string of cases, and say the government soon will be routinely using harsh anti-terrorism laws against run-of-the-mill lawbreakers.

New Terror Laws Used Vs. Common Criminals

The Associated Press, September 14, 2003