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Postal Service Proposes Sender Identification Requirement

The U.S. Postal Service has published a proposed rule in the federal register that would require users of discounted mail to identify themselves on the mailpiece.

Although individuals typically do not use discounted mail, it is clear from the information in the proposed rule that USPS is moving toward sender identification for all mail users:

"Requiring sender-identification for discount rate mail is an initial step on the road to intelligent mail."

Any member of the public can comment on the rule until November 20, 2003. Comments should reference "39 CFR Part 111--Sender-Identified Mail: Enhanced Requirement for Discount Rate Mailings" and be mailed to: Manager, Mailing Standards, U.S. Postal Service, 1735 N. Lynn Street, Room 3025, Arlington, VA 22209-6038.

Sender-Identified Mail: Enhanced Requirement for Discount Rate Mailings, 68 Fed. Reg. 60052, October 21, 2003.