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Terrorism Commission Warns of Threats to Liberties

The Gilmore Commission, also known as the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction, released its fifth and final annual report to the President and Congress on December 15. Among the Commission's recommendations is the creation of a bipartisan board to provide oversight on homeland security activities that may impinge upon civil liberties. According to the report, such a board is necessary because of the "potential chilling effect" of government surveillance conducted for homeland security purposes. The Committee also recommends the establishment of a domestic intelligence agency responsible for collecting and analyzing information related to terrorist threats within the United States. Since its inception, the Committee has made 144 recommendations, 125 of which have been adopted by Congress and government agencies.

Terrorism and Liberty
The New York Times, December 23, 2003

The Gilmore Commission's Fifth Annual Report