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$5.8 Million Awarded to Former Army Scientist

Once called "a person of interest" by the US Attorney General, Dr. Steven Hatfill will now receive millions in damages for the harms caused to him and his family. The DOJ settled the case, which arose from repeated leaks in the media of Dr. Hatfill's name and details of the federal investigation into anthrax related deaths. Following 9-11 a number of illnesses and deaths were attributed to weaponized anthrax laced letters sent through the mail. The anthrax was traced back to a US bio-weapons laboratory. It was the first case of bioterrorism in the United States, and impacted the Congressional debate on what actions the US should take post-September 11, 2001.

Justice Dept. to pay scientist $5.8 million in anthrax lawsuit, Washington Post, June 28, 2008