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Cybersecurity Czar Steps Down, Warns of Growing NSA Influence

Rod Beckstrom, Director of the National Cybersecurity Center, has resigned. In a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Beckstrom warned of the increasing role of the National Security Agency in domestic security. The "intelligence culture is very different than a network operation or security culture... the threats to our democratic processes are significant if all top government network and monitoring are handled by any one organization... we have been unwilling to subjugate the NSCS under the NSA," wrote the former NCSC Director. The announcement follows Congressional testimony from the new Director of National Intelligence that the NSA should be responsible for network security. EPIC has long maintained that the NSA, though it plays a vital role in gathering foreign intelligence, should not be the lead agency for domestic network security because it also engages in
extensive and unregulated spying. See EPIC Computer Security Act of 1987.

National cybersecurity director resigns; cites roadblocks, USA Today, March 9, 2009