Ashcroft Directs Agencies to Restrict FOIA Releases
Attorney General John Ashcroft has directed agencies to evaluate Freedom of Information requests with heightened sensitivity to national security and law enforcement concerns. Ashcroft also pledged support to agencies that withhold information in order to protect institutional, commercial, and personal privacy interests. Since the September terrorist attacks, a number of agencies have been restricting access to government records. Most notably, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has removed all content from its web site.Ashcroft FOIA Memorandum, October 12, 2001.
Ashcroft Urges Caution With FOIA Requests, Washington Post (AP), October 17, 2001.
Ashcroft Tells Agencies to Resist FOIA Releases, Secrecy News, October 17, 2001.
The Post-September 11 Environment: Access to Government Information, OMBWatch Report.